Session Schedule Available

You'll be able to choose from 15 breakout sessions in 4 time slots, plus 5 Special Interest Group (SIG) sessions. See the session descriptions below and this year's session schedule (PDF) to start planning your day. Please keep in mind that although this schedule is as accurate as possible, it may be subject to change.

Keynote Session

Megan Torrance, CEO & Founder, TorranceLearning  | Bio

xAPI and a Framework for Learning Data, Analytics & Action

Now is the time to plan for the strategic use of your learning data to evaluate learning and performance, support business decision-making, and integrate business and learning workflows. How does this work? What tools and skills will you need? We'll start with an overview of xAPI, the interoperable learning data specification. From there, we'll spend most of our time on three things: a framework for applying data in our work for archival purposes, analytics, and action; a map of your learning data ecosystem, and a process for using data to make decisions in design, delivery and impact.


Educational Breakout Sessions


Pete Hybert, Principal Consultant, PRH Consulting, Inc. | Bio

Case Learning Using Storyline/Web-Based Delivery

Often eLearning is used for simple content delivery and recall. However, it can also be used to develop fairly complex interactions using links, branching, and variables. The key is an instructional structure that allows learners to explore and learn at their own pace while also ensuring intended capabilities are developed and tested. This session will demonstrate portions of a web-based curriculum designed to teach project team leaders how to make decisions based on information and resources they search and interpret.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Intermediate

Diane Kubal, Experience-Based, Virtual-Learning Consultant, Fulcrum Network | Bio

Wendi Barlow, Facilitator, Coach, Designer, Producer, Barlow Consulting | Bio

Convert Your In-Person Training into High-Impact Experience-Based Virtual Learning

Converting learning into virtual training seems straightforward, yet it’s not working for many. Modern workers want personalized, interesting learning that motivates them to take action, experiment and apply with access anytime, anywhere, on any device. Using gamification, micro-learning, social community with a Learning Experience Platform keeps learners engaged and works well for all types of training, including soft skills, OD interventions and more. During this session, we share a model of 30 design methods that make online, virtual learning engaging and experiential with a live technology demo. In addition, participants will receive FREE access to an experience-based virtual mini-course called MODERN LEARNING.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Intermediate

Hadiya Nuriddin, Owner, Duets Learning  | Bio

Using Storytelling Strategies to Write Compelling Scenarios

Scenarios are an effective way to create authentic learning experiences, and the most memorable scenarios are the ones brought to life by compelling storytelling. But transforming seemingly mundane tasks into powerful stories is something even the most prolific and celebrated writers struggle with. In this session, we’ll explore a few strategic storytelling techniques and discuss how we can use them to create scenarios that teach, engage, and move our learners. We’ll practice applying these techniques to a section of a course, and you’ll receive tips along the way that you can use to bring your own scenarios to life.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Shannon Tipton, Owner, Learning Rebels | Bio

Drips, Bots and Blogs: Your Super Tools for Spaced Learning

In a recent Bersin by Deloitte report, it was stated that 80% of CEOs believe upskilling is their most pressing challenge. This said - large workloads, packed schedules, and a continued dispersed employee base impose a barrier to providing the training needed to address the upskilling needs of a modern workforce. For learning professionals, this means delivering reinforcement programs that are produced in spaced bites. Thus further giving people a chance to reflect and apply lessons, wherever they may be in a hybrid workplace. This session will help you discover how to plan and organize spaced learning curriculum based on the technology applications of chatbots, blogs, and email drip feeds. All by using a framework that can be easily replicated once back facing the day-to-day of the workplace.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Intermediate


Meaghann Caldwell, Business Development Manager, Agate Publishing, Inc.  | Bio

Start Today: Simple Steps Toward Making Your eLearning Content Accessible

Making your content accessible to all learners can seem like an overwhelming task. There are many dimensions to accessibility, the stakes are high, and the landscape is constantly evolving. In this session, I will show simple adjustments in language and format that you or your organization can make to increase accessibility. My goal is to arm you with information and resources that you can implement immediately. We can start today and make the world a better, easier, place in which to learn.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Mark Lassoff, Video Instructor & Founder, Tech Learning Network  | Bio

How to Create Better Screencasts: Step-by-Step

In this session, participants will be introduced to ten short, easy-to-apply techniques that will improve the educational outcomes from screencasts. Participants will be invited to work along with the instructor as each technique is demonstrated. The session will cover best practices for recording the screencast itself, including software options, and recording techniques. You will learn the most effective length for screencast videos as well as how to record them for the best visual results. You'll also discover how to best work with subject-matter experts who are recording their own screencast material.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Zsolt Olah, Senior Learning Technologist, Amazon  | Bio

Creating a Customized PDF from Storyline

Nobody ever goes back to the LMS to dig up a resource from an eLearning course. Wouldn't it be nice then to provide post-learning support directly from the course? Maybe it's a customized to-do list? A tailored roadmap with links? A coaching guide based on the assessment you took? Or just simply a certificate? In this interactive session, you will use your Articulate Storyline to capture information in variables, and then produce a PDF on the fly based on that. The same methodology can be used for any type of PDF creation. Technologies involved: Storyline, JavaScript, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat Pro.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Intermediate

Nicki Woolsey, Instructional Design Consultant, Nicki Woolsey  | Bio

The Power of Video: Examples of Video in Training

Recently, training has shifted from long, click-through training, to short microlearning modules. Since 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual, conveying your content with video is a no-brainer. In this session, we’ll explore the power of video by briefly looking at various video styles and software programs and reviewing different examples of how you can use video to convey your message. If you are looking for ways to freshen up training by incorporating video, join this interactive session. Get your creative caps on because the possibilities of captivating your audience through video are endless.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Learning Technologies

Destery Hildenbrand, Senior Learning Experience Designer,  | Bio

Betty Dannewitz, COO, ifyouaskbetty, LLC  | Bio

Getting Started with Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is a growing technology widely used in games, marketing, and learning and development. Getting started with AR is easier now than ever before however there are some questions that need answers. Where do you get started? Where does it fit in your design workflow, what tools are available for use, and how do I share and track these types of experiences? Finding answers to these and other questions when working with newer technology questions can be a challenge. In this session, we will explore the answers to these questions and more through discussion, hands-on development, and interaction.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Nancy Munro, CEO, Verbal Transactions | Bio

AI, Voice Assistants and the Workplace

AI and digital assistants will soon be managing a lot more work-related tasks. Are you ready for it? Automation adoption has been growing at a rapid pace. Some 60% of CEOs polled for a recent Gartner survey cited AI as the “most industry-impactful technology” over the coming years For trainers and talent managers how will this impact your world? In this session, Nancy Munro, CEO of Verbal Transactions, will walk you through examples of how AI and bot technology may impact training, talent development, and how AI may or not be the right fit for everyone.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Intermediate

Paul Njuguna, Owner, RedesignedMinds  | Bio

Driving Learner Engagement with Immersive VR

Immersive Learning is an experiential training methodology that uses virtual reality to simulate real-world scenarios and train employees in a safe and engaging environment. It combines the presence of VR with advanced learning theory, data science, and spatial design to improve effectiveness and user engagement. In essence, immersive learning lets people learn from somewhat realistic experiences, and the more realistic and vivid we can make those experiences, the more likely they are to remember. Join this presentation and demonstration of an Immersive VR case study, and learn how to bring immersive learning to your company.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Intermediate

Brian Richardson, Founder & CEO, Richardson Consulting Group, Inc.  | Bio

Note: SESSION CANCELED | AI for Learning and Development

Applications of artificial/augmented intelligence (AI) in learning and development are accelerating. L&D professionals need to upskill on AI capabilities, learn how to use AI to accelerate learning development and scale and personalize the learning experience, evaluate AI solutions, and overcome employee fears of AI and gain adoption. Attendees will take away practical knowledge, tips, and tools to implement AI for learning.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner


Jennifer De Vries, President & Chief Solutions Officer, BlueStreak Learning, LLC | Bio

Rachel Tuohy, eLearning Technical Specialist, BlueStreak Learning, LLC | Bio

Donna Roberts-Luttrell, CPT, Senior Instructional Designer, E & E Consortium, LLC | Bio

eLearning Technology Basics: Ask the Expert

The eLearning industry is booming after COVID. Any internet search for eLearning information, instruction and tools deliver thousands of results. How do you cut through all the noise and determine what is relevant and best for your project? You need to start with the basic learning technology model. Once you have a firm grasp of terms, types and how learning technologies work together, you can better discern what technologies might work for you and your projects. Bring your eLearning questions to this session and our experts will do our best to answer them.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Debbie Richards, Chief Technology Officer, Creative Interactive Ideas  | Bio

Adopting a Futuristic Mindset

For many organizations, the global pandemic brought to the forefront the discrepancy between the skills people have and those needed for jobs in the digital world. The need to upskill and reskill workers on these technologies is critical for an organization to stay ahead of the competition. Technology is changing rapidly, and if you fail to keep up, you will be left behind. How can you identify obstacles and opportunities?

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Philipp Strazny, Production Manager, The Geo Group Corporation (a STAR7 company)  | Bio

Localizing eLearning

The target audience of your eLearning programs is likely to be multilingual, so you need to localize into different languages. Multimedia programs contain content in different formats that all have their unique challenges. In this session, we will look at the translation process in general and how to approach translation projects in content creation and preparation. We will look at the challenges of translating embedded assets in desktop publishing or graphics formats as well as audio/video content.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner